Dec 29
Stand Up Comedy In New York City.
Adam Hmada, Thelonious Fiorito, Laurie Kilmartin, Chloe Fimiano,
Main Room
Show 11PM
Broadway Comedy Club, located near Times Square and the Broadway Theater District, presents a lineup full of our Top Headliners. These are the best comedians from New York City who you’ve seen on Netflix, Comedy Central, Kevin Hart LOL, HBO, Amazon and HULU. Plus surprise drop-in comics nightly.
Tonight's guests include:
Adam Hmada (BRIC tv, Timeout New York, Judge Jerry Springer), Thelonious Fiorito (NBC, Ironchef, Flatbush Frolic), Laurie Kilmartin (NBC, CONAN, TBS, SHOWTIME, CBS), Chloe Fimiano